1:No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 22:59:05.50 ID: GjTLyOEC0
(1) 25 to 34 years old = 32293.94$(33292.06€) in 1994, 29476.80$(30387.86€) in 2019, a decrease of 2129.90$(2194.80€)
(2) 35 to 44 years old = 45142.80$(46538.05€) in 1994, 38821.43$(40021.31€) in 2019, a decrease of 6321.00$(6513.60€)
(3) 45 to 54 years old = 56754.87$(58509.02€) in 1994, 43356.33$(44696.36€) in 2019, a decrease of 13397.77$(13806.00€)
6: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:00:21.50 ID: rwuTi6je0
Prices have risen dramatically, what should do??
7: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:00:30.84 ID: fCRt1SLHM
8: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:00:43.26 ID: y7gE0U3kd
Unlike in the past, Japanese-made products don’t sell well, so it’s only natural.
12: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:01:44.92 ID:06l9iGBO0
And,Import prices and taxes will continue to rise.
It’s over this country
14: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:02:00.32 ID:9WroDGFf0
Most people don’t even get an annual salary increase of 68.72$(70.83€)
How can annual income increase by 8933.39$(9208.44€) in 10 years?
16: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:02:10.89 ID: GWRZ7PaB0
Best is self-employed
17: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:02:43.17 ID: OASiUUxF0
As long as rebuild restaurant business, nothing is able to do anything
18: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:02:43.76 ID: YQZyQwPO0
Low unemployment rate compared to other countries
27: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:03:57.77 ID: +WATnIkK0
It is also the flip side of the low liquidity of the labor market
26: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:03:53.41 ID:neJrFzpcM
I’m a serious working poor with 160,000 take home
I’m so sad because I finished work at 22:00 and pay is like this.
29: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:04:23.10 ID: aAJBYuPk0
You should do dispatch buisiness.
39: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:05:53.55 ID: neJrFzpcM
That’s why I’m worried about the future
I`m already 24 years old
28: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:04:15.15 ID: lQsIxTvza
The median is even more dire.
35: Nameless if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:04:55.22 ID: GjTLyOEC0
By the way, this is the median annual household income and
95: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:12:37.13 ID: J4vXf+yj0
is this Japanese annual household income?
113: Nameless if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:14:11.47 ID: GjTLyOEC0
32: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:04:38.32 ID: EPAu4daG0
Taxes and insurance premiums have risen in exchange for a decrease in wages, so the balance is maintained.
33: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:04:45.57 ID: Cf8eeME90
I`m self-employed factory workers and laughing because unit prices continue to rise .
34: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:04:53.94 ID: DUTSFWNuM
But taxes are going up so it’s even
36: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:05:45.53 ID: uQpGspM+r
Is it because I no longer work overtime?
38: Nameless if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:05:51.99 ID: LON/i2tL0
Abe who falsified GDP and increased the consumption tax in this situation is too dangerous
47: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23: 07: 09.82 ID: 4QSkTsr2a
As a result of believing in the religion that everything will be solved if monetary easing and even inflation
102: Nameless if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:13:07.64 ID: J4vXf+yj0
It would have been nice if it was after the economy improved
41: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:06:37.62 ID: VwrUwwgo0
It’s over
42: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:06:41.65 ID: 7HmdWgkf0
If you’re a civil servant, even in your 20s, it’s 5 million.
It’s still safe
49: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:07:15.27 ID: Q69PXWLv0
What level is a civil servant?
55: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:07:51.11 ID: 7HmdWgkf0
I‘m national civil service personnel, and employed as general public.
73: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23: 10: 10.36 ID: Q69PXWLv0
Even the general public can get that
Nowadays, even major companies in their 20s seem to have less than 5 million
44: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:06:49.14 ID: DLVVMDJp0
For that reason, there are quite a few new cars, and why are there so many new cars?
46: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:07:02.83 ID: hHsPOaJxa
The real sense of the end.
Or, are there saying people that now is the pinnacle of your life?
51: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:07:39.66 ID: o9FGpXKD0
Those who have not paid their pension should properly apply for exemption.
52: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:07:43.64 ID: Az2fOHiH0
Prices will go up and taxes will go up by 10%.
53: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:07:44.26 ID:/HoYA6Nw0
57: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:08:05.38 ID: gffcuB680
household income?
Is it because single people increased?
62: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:08:45.33 ID: GjTLyOEC0
there is that too
70: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:09:30.23 ID: QRIyDNKQM
What is the increase in the number of co-workers?
74: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:10:18.89 ID: GjTLyOEC0
Now, double-income households earn as much as salary per one worker`s salary at past.
60: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:08:35.76 ID: hHsPOaJxa
There are workers that earn monthly income without bonus is 1236.93$(1275.02€)
13743.67$(14166.83€) in annual income
61: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:08:37.31 ID:BmU8iLSJ0
While taxes are rising, annual income is steadily declining
63: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:08:56.99 ID: QxiJxZ7R0
There is no problem because civil servants salary has risen accordingly
64: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:09:10.32 ID: FentSpF/d
Has consumption gone down? Then increase taxes!
69: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:09:27.75 ID: J4vXf+yj0
The fruit of Abenomics
71: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:09:35.16 ID: tYVKCUs40
Taxes and prices will go up oooo XDXDXD
82: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:11:01.03 ID: v+4HZomKM
I don’t feel like I can build a house with an annual income of 300 man.
But what’s going on with the people around me who keep building better houses?
87: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:11:44.65 ID:o9FGpXKD0
That is Building houses for sale
90: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:11:47.18 ID: Q69PXWLv0
Interest rates are too low,there’s no other way.
106: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:13:32.77 ID: 3fgtvI8r0
Inheritance from parents
137: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:17:07.29 ID: +DU9LWw00
My annual income of 7 million is also tough, so you move on
166: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:20:21.61 ID: J4vXf+yj0
If you work together in the region, you can build it
84: No name if the wind blows 2022/03/07 (Monday) 23:11:03.98 ID:opNVIwFx0
It’s dangerous that the uncle generation is underpaid
Thread Source: https://swallow.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/livejupiter/1646661545/