The fact that the bulletin board Reddit is more popular than Twitter in the United States

1: Nameless if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00:35:50.84 ID: JiKwMLo/0

popularity is
Instagram > reddit > twitter >4chan

The Reddit version of Nan J is also on the verge of surpassing 5ch


6: No name if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00: 37: 35.35 ID: JiKwMLo/0

This seems to be a list of benefits on reddit

Translation of upper image
・Prohibit reprinting
・Many users
→In the USA,Number of reddits access and reddit User exceeded more than Instagram and twitter
・There are Systems of ”Good”,”Bad”,and ”Karma”.
→In reddit, has no troll,so these system work better in niche hobby topics too.
→In default,sorted about “Good”,so there is nochance that summarized for affiriate.
・Users can make Board easily
・There are a lot of young users,so liberal that support Biden,so online right-wingers become out of place.
・Users are almost American,so topic that online right-wingers pull in,like a inspire antagonism between Japan and Korea‘s ,is a few.
・Language is mainly English,so ignorance online-right wingers and affiriate blogers never enter
・Many famous people that like a Obama and Elon Reeve Musk,use reddit.
・Special browser for reddit is Needless.
・There is a Manager per a board,so they are able to delete troll and topics that is not appropriate in the thread
・User can post movie,and reproduce youtube on in-line.
・Reddit has live distoribution function.
・If user`s posting is pushed “Good” button many time,user is able to get virtual currency.

9: Nameless if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00:39:34.61 ID: JiKwMLo/0

Access count estimation

7th place
25th place
36th place

2: No name if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00: 36: 22.61 ID: JiKwMLo/0
reddit is similar to 5ch
Isn’t it better to emigrate

3: No name if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00: 37: 12.28 ID: uB8XTLxA0
What is the reddit version of “Nan J”?

7: Nameless if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00:38:09.00 ID: JiKwMLo/0

Because reddit is a bulletin board like 5ch
It is said that there is also a “Nanj” board

4: Nameless if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00:37:18.44 ID:IgYzaCHZ0
Foreign bulletin boards are too hard to see

15: No name if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00: 41: 07.90 ID: JiKwMLo/0

You can also create a live mode thread
thread looks like this

14: No name if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00: 41: 01.01 ID: QK29laM50
I watch reddit because it’s a niche hobby

I can’t get useful information in Japanese

16: No name if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00: 41: 43.07 ID: 2Pj3BuTn0
i can’t read english

Any good translation extensions?

21: No name if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00: 42: 56.72 ID: JiKwMLo/0

Isn’t it possible to use a pop-up dictionary on a PC?

It’s all simple English and I think you’ll be able to get used to it soon

17: No name if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00: 41: 45.36 ID: 5kgj/U7+0
actually good

I have a minor pet subreddit, but it’s really helpful and enjoyable

It’s common for 5ch thread and one day not to respond, but that’s not the case

20: No name if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00: 42: 49.90 ID: r2E70T7uM
I still don’t understand how to view reddit’s tree

23: Nameless if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00:43:33.09 ID: JiKwMLo/0

You can change the sorting method
The default is a system that goes higher as less popular

22: Nameless if the wind blows 2021/02/03 (Wed) 00: 43: 26.47 ID: ebl+g0F70
Unlike 5ch, users don’t have to rely on stupid control programs because of the account system and strong autonomy function, so they can write with confidence at any time.

Thread source:
