1: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Fri) 11:04:26.06 ID: 8zeWnZmsp.net
Horse owner “Hey euthanasia”
2: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Fri) 11:04:38.23 ID: kNwLch5ua.net
3: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Fri) 11:05:01.67 ID:/Lr0vIaKM.net
Real devil
4: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 05: 11.98 ID: vqD44YGhp.net
Why are horses almost helpless when their legs are broken?
Is there no choice but to die structurally?
9: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 06: 14.64 ID: b/G5dopLd.net
It puts a burden on other feet and causes inflammation.
22: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 08: 40.23 ID: GgKHykr30.net
Horse can`t walk after a leg broken, so other legs are weakened gradually and finally have no choice but to die.
38: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 10: 01.28 ID: +8LCEMPba.net
Horce can’t support self with just three legs.
After become bedridden,puts pressure on the internal organs
358: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Fri) 11:29:40.20 ID: JdbMNlMz0.net
The fate of the horse that was tried to force to live by human was hell
385: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 31: 15.75 ID: 2OFmHZm90.net
Horses blood won’t circulate without step on the ground by four leg.
122: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 16: 14.17 ID: ihU1gdn70.net
Horces improves blood circulation by walking.
In short, the legs also serve as a support pump for the heart.
17: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 07: 45.68 ID: WiK/ocNV0.net
What a die just by breaking one leg, how dare horses has survived until now.
29: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 09: 02.82 ID: zILH53A70.net
I wish I could stay in the pool all the time
32: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Fri) 11:09:17.82 ID: LIGzHCyzH.net
It’s still better if horse just died, but they’re going to suffer a lot after continue to live.
42: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 10: 24.56 ID: K7YZ/l32d.net
Are they going to become basashi like this?
61: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 11: 48.82 ID: 7QeogiyF0.net
Thoroughbred meat is too hard and not delicious, it is used as food for carnivorous animals in zoos.
70: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 12: 25.25 ID: K7YZ/l32d.net
I see, I wonder if Lion-san will eat it
43: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 10: 34.97 ID: TcfVD5b/0.net
That slender leg supports nearly 500 kilograms of weight.
If one breaks, the other burdens will increase dramatically, and it’s dangerous
45: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 10: 40.85 ID: 3bB8zatHd.net
Are there horses that staff has let try hardest to keep alive and finally died?
69: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 12: 24.83 ID: B7QhKxhT0.net
Ten point
Sakura Star O※
St Nicholas Abbey
There are several.
※ Star O`s wiki is only japanese.So write here Yuji Hirai who Star O trainer`s interview after done euthanasia.Then,when he decided to kill Star O,got many complaint from fan that ignorance.
“In my case, I don’t feel sorry for killing an injured racehorse. On the contrary, in most cases, it’s pitiful if you don’t kill them.Do you really think it’s a pity to kill a horse that dangling legs with connecting by skin,and bleeding blood?Not kidding.
In general,You know how we feel when we euthanize horses? I feel sorry for Star O.
Such a terrible injury should have been given an injection as soon as possible to make it easier. We were all telling him to do a little more for the sake of Japanese thoroughbreds. He did his best, but when he couldn’t help me anymore, I had no choice but to take his life.If it’s true, I should have drawn the line immediately at that time.
Our “poor face” is completely different from the emotional “poor face” that people on the other side say.
For example, suppose a jockey falls off a horse and breaks his collarbone. You’re probably thinking, “Oh, poor him, he got hurt.” But no.Because bones will eventually stick together. What is even more pitiful to the jockey is that while he is resting, his horse is taken from him. In the same way, we horse staff have our own way of thinking about euthanasia, and we have to do it again. “— Yuji Hirai
788: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Fri) 11:56:18.82 ID: TVt9KIH0a.net
Even if a famous horse can no longer run,can earn as much as a fool by seeding
To be frank, it’s much more painful not to be able to earn money from breeding than the prize money.
46: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 10: 44.26 ID: JndFBQgjd.net
In order to earn money as a stallion, if the owner decides not to euthanize it and let it live, there are horses that end up dying after suffering for two years.
55: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 11: 40.10 ID: vqD44YGhp.net
Is it okay if put a steel frame in?
73: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 12: 35.81 ID: BV/ZWc/Qp.net
Putting bolts is possible treatment.
Yamanin Global has came back by putting bolts
63: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 11: 58.31 ID: +uEt9jWT0.net
Horse get bed sores when keep lay down, don’t it?
It would be nice if it floated in a culture medium or something.
99: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11:15:00.07 ID: 9+ci4/eea.net
Body weight puts a load on your internal organs
83: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 13: 39.90 ID: YyWiWnSE0.net
I think selling horse meat is better.
90: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11: 14: 25.54 ID: 9Idba6mGd.net
It was denounced as a result of sold a long time ago
133: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Friday) 11:16:58.95 ID:johxWAxC0.net
Tenpoint is the all reason of euthanasia
A horse stands on four legs, so if one cannot use it, the other three hooves will rot.
So lift body, but If horce don’t exercise to some extent, your stomach will rot
So Tenpoint died in pain, in pain, shedding tears.
203: No name if the wind blows: 2021/03/12 (Fri) 11:20:45.66 ID:ARNNnjDf0.net
I think euthanasia would be the best option…
It’s grotesque to keep living while horces are in pain
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