1: Anonymous @Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:13:02 ID: gscL
note that
3: Anonymous @Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:13:48 ID: gscL
Kudzu in the United States (kudzu in the United States) is widely recognized as an invasive alien species.
The species expands its range in the southern United States at a rate of 150,000 acres (610 km2) per year.
Due to its rapid growth, it is almost impossible to stop it by spraying herbicides or mowing.
Moreover, the cost of weeding is said to be increasing by $6 million annually[1].

4: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:14:29 ID: qMWZ
Exactly Kudzu
*In Japan, Kudzu has the same meaning garbage.
5: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:14:56 ID: deyL
Restoration of nature was easy
10: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:16:09 ID: Rf0A
Kudzu kirimochi is delicious
11: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:16:28 ID: swX6
If it’s real kudzu, you can make kudzu flour
※Kudzu is used as material of Kuzumochi`s powder
12: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:16:29 ID: gscL
Because it covers the surface of all plants and blocks sunlight,
The local flora could be wiped out and the ecosystem destroyed.
14: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:18:03 ID: gscL
On the other hand, Japanese earthworms are also amazing
In Japan, it decomposes fallen leaves and enriches the soil.
In the United States, where the drought is intense, the soil cannot be maintained unless fallen leaves are piled up, so it becomes a destroyer of the environment.
15: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:18:29 ID: Dgvd
yeah~ that’s funny
16: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:20:10 ID: gscL
It’s funny to be called a crazy worm
17: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:20:37 ID: swX6
Do earthworms eat roots?
49: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:28:27 ID: ECLC
Decomposition of fallen leaves exposes the soil and dries it out.
20: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:21:02 ID: gscL
Moreover, all of the symbiotic microorganisms of earthworms do not exist in the United States, and it seems that the soil ecosystem is also being polluted by the propagation of earthworms.
23: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:22:03 ID: swX6
What do earthworms eat in America?
26: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:22:18 ID: gscL
27: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:22:49 ID: swX6
out of the earth?
30: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:23:25 ID: gscL
It looks like this in 2 months
Translation:Earthworm change fallen leaves mat to soil.
48: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:28:16 ID: swX6
maybe in Japan
Itch Where is the information on earthworm damage in America?
let me know if you’re interested
52: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:28:53 ID: gscL
Attack Earthworms! Japanese ‘crazy worm’ found to be ‘destroying’ American soil – Nazology
56: Anonymous @Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:30:12 ID: swX6
thank you
I’m happy to have a baby worm on the dirt on my balcony
22: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:21:23 ID: qMWZ
After all, I need something that matches the environment
31: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:24:18 ID: gSx0
Alien race warriors are happening everywhere
33: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:25:54 ID: lXpN
It doesn’t seem to be edible once the herbicide is applied…
37: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:26:34 ID: gscL
It seems that earthworms cannot be prevented without spraying herbicide every year.
35: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:26:10 ID: FsjM
Overseas “Wakame seaweed is increasing and dangerous!”
Japanese: “I wish you could eat it…”
36: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:26:28 ID: Dgvd
This story is interesting and I like it
41: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:27:31 ID: Nx8k
Wakame should be used as livestock feed
40: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:27:06 ID: TM5S
Giant hornets are also being exported
50: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:28:37 ID: wDCv
let go of deer
51: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:28:51 ID: RZqD
America: “Damn, get rid of that fucking strong bee called Killer Bee…”
America: “Let’s see! They imported giant hornets from Japan and exterminated them!”
America: “The giant hornet is a more dangerous coral… (despair)”
this is real lol
55: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:29:31 ID: gscL
Killer Bee → weak but crazy
Giant hornets → well-trained army
This is correct
75: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:35:26 ID: IVOD
I’m Killer Bee…
77: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:36:58 ID: gscL
The killer bee became a creature that chased and stabbed to death those who suffered from mental disorders when they were mixed with Western honey bees and African honey bees.
It’s not an ability acquired in the process of evolution, so its aggression is completely unsuitable for survival, and it’s a dying creature whose territorial consciousness has collapsed due to the convenience of attacking.
53: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:28:58 ID: Rf0A
Biological globalization is not good
58: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:30:26 ID: gscL
Due to the effects of cross-breeding, Killer Bees are always in danger of being psychotic and chasing anything they see until they die.
On the other hand, giant hornets are racially dangerous and always stable and dangerous
66: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:32:28 ID: gscL
Mowing and herbicides can’t help but take time and money to get rid of scum, so they are shifting to a method of breeding insects and feeding them, but I’m worried that it will cause a new biohazard.
69: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:33:21 ID: FsjM
THE TETSUWAN DASH “If you eat alien species, yes.”
74: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:35:19 ID: HMoc
Subterranean plants are really bad
difficult to eradicate
78: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:37:03 ID: LTEc
too crap lol
87: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:39:21 ID: LTEc
Well, Japan was also invaded by the goldenrod, so it’s good for both of you.
Solidago canadensis is a perennial plant belonging to the family Asteraceae and the genus Goldenrod.
Native to North America, it is a naturalized plant (foreign species) that was introduced as an ornamental plant for cut flowers in Japan, and competes with native species such as pampas grass. Blooms until around November. It grows in clumps on riverbeds and vacant lots, and can reach a height of 1 – 2.5m, or 3.5 – 4.5m in well-fertilized land.
94: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:41:30 ID: 3vAm
Growing up with great momentum
Growing up with great momentum
Proliferate with great momentum
It’s a self-intoxicating ingredient with amazing momentum
Withering with great momentum
I don’t really know what I want to do
104: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:43:03 ID: lXpN
it’s almost a bug
88: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:39:38 ID: Rf0A
Kudzu has found a perfect new land.
92: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:40:46 ID: gscL
Either they will eventually exhaust their resources and become extinct, but before that happens, America will be destroyed first.
90: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:40:03 ID: gscL
Japan has four seasons, so there is a breeding season and a withering season.
It seems that they can breed all the time in America.
89: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:39:47 ID: HMoc
If the old Japanese were serious and only had kudzu flour, it would be impossible.
let the cow eat it
93: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:40:57 ID: Ltyt
I think they failed in the same way with bamboo in England.
They used bamboo for gardening and used it for growing underground roots.
Bamboo groves are starting to become a valuable presence in Japan.
103: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:43:02 ID: G0Bg
In the case of Japan, there are more bugs, bacteria and viruses that eat waste than in the four seasons.
110: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:44:00 ID: PTcT
Plants have a time to die, but animals remember hibernation, so it’s dangerous. Hot or cold they can go anywhere
172: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:58:53 ID: 0xv0
Hell, it’s funny that Americans are more scared of hornets than bears and alligators.
Because bees have a mysterious power…
178: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 14:59:45 ID: LTEc
Kudzu is also useful!
Kudzu began to be marketed on a large scale as a garden plant for planting on balconies[6][14], and in the mid-20th century it was also marketed as a protein-rich cattle feed and a plant to prevent soil erosion. planted by the Civilian Conservation Corps as a solution to soil erosion caused by the Dust Bowl
189: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:02:06 ID: Svti
Other alien species should learn from Fall webworm, who has become accustomed to Japan before he knew it.
Fall_webworm (Hyphantria cunea) is a species of the family Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera).
Native to North America.
In Japan, after World War II, it is said to have been brought to Japan with military supplies for the U.S. military. First discovered in Tokyo in 1945, it spread along the Yamanote Line and Chuo Line, and then expanded its distribution mainly in the Kanto region.
191: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:02:37 ID: LTEc
American crayfish “yes”
193: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:03:17 ID: x4t7
I haven’t seen Fall_webworm at all for the past few years.
197: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:04:23 ID: Svti
Fall_webworm is breeding in Yokohama. As an exterminator, I hate caterpillars, so I’m about to die.
195: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:04:08 ID: ItUS
There are many species that have disappeared from the earth without being recorded.
212: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:07:39 ID: Ltyt
It is said that if molds and bacteria are added, they will die every year.
There are also oddball species such as those that perish due to human learning
198: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:04:23 ID: Ltyt
American crayfish are pretty tasty if you remove the dirt.
It seems that it does not eat because of the problem of contamination and removing mud is time consuming
220: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:09:49 ID: FsjM
It seems that 1 gram of natto resin, which is made by irradiating natto threads with gamma rays, can hold 5 liters of water.
With this, earthworms, and scum, it seems like we can make everything greener
224: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:11:25 ID: ZkAJ
Seriously if you think it’s a lie
Natto is amazing
231: Orange ◆ORANGE…o 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:12:56 ID: BTAm
Is this for real?
Translation:There is material in front of beaker,is dry state natto resin.When enter water in beaker,natto resin absorb water and become zerry with expanding.
237: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:14:54 ID: hRHP
Natto threads trembling lol
241: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:15:44 ID: LTEc
Are there any successful examples of releasing animals to get rid of them?
I only hear stories about Okinawan mongooses lol
244: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:16:58 ID: jQoo
I was able to get rid of the insects on the rice by releasing the ducks.
269: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:23:56 ID: 3U5e
When you’re done with it, you can make it into a duck pot, which is great.
276: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:25:50 ID: Ltyt
Aigamo is used in Japan, but in reality, duck meat is the only choice for them.
It is illegal to release rice into the wild after it has grown. There are people who always kill them or sometimes get them to keep them as pets.
281: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 15:26:21 ID: Mc5l
Safe, because they are delicious
396: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 16:02:51 ID: Rf0A
The balance of the natural environment is easily disturbed, but humans are too carefree.
427: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 16:16:58 ID: lk54
What shocked me recently was that there are scorpions in Japan too.
429: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 16:17:25 ID: eKLd
where is it
430: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 16:17:55 ID: lk54
It seems to live on Ishigaki Island or some other southern island.
431: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 16:18:36 ID: 5M6A
A long time ago, when I was fishing on the breakwater, there was a scorpion on the mainland.
I’ve seen scorpions in imported trees washed away.
I was surprised by that
434: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 16:20:53 ID: u73N
let’s catch it and keep it
438: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 16:22:14 ID: 5M6A
I might do it now
At that time, when I kicked it with my shoe, it stuck to my shoe and I went crazy and threw it into the sea with my shoe.
439: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 16:22:26 ID: fZQA
441: Anonymous @ Open 21/05/22 (Sat) 16:22:51 ID: u73N
you are funny video
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