“Anti-judaism” and Israel prime minister`s office.

1 Mr.Little thought ★

2024/11/21(Thursday) 22:54:24.75ID:HE8ZdGcz9

“Anti-judaism” and Israel prime minister`s office.| KYODO NEWS


Published 2024/11/21 22:37 (JST)

【Jerusalem Co】 Israel prime ministers office presented statement to ICC published arrest warrant to Netanyahu prime minister,"That is Anti-Judisms Decision”.

※All text is written on upper source link.

2 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 22:55:09.32ID:bOCqDc4H0
Ofcource that is not judism,lol.

3 anonymous donburako

They may be think to be forgiven all if only they say that against everything.

172 anonymous donburako

2024/11/22(Friday) 02:12:32.10ID:EVzZJeiw0


Written on the Bible, Yahawe select person and give forgiveness, and Israel repeat it and U.S. support it, there is no possibility to prospect flipping them on earth.

4 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 22:57:56.87ID:d5GbvATA0

What “Anti-judaism” is bad?
What doing genocide by Jewish yourself is really bad, isn’t it?

257 anonymous donburako

2024/11/22(Friday) 07:40:42.58ID:PyRnxFxz0


That’s right.
Judaism are only Israel,USA and England.
Other Eulope country recognize Naranyahu as evil same Putin level.

294 anonymous donburako

2024/11/22(Friday) 11:46:40.88ID:QlfGzDoz0


They did severely too much in Gaza…If they aimed only Hamas,did not happen like this.

5 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 22:58:16.36ID:LtG45V2/0
Where’s point “Anti-judaism” is bad?
That word only work in Germany.

6 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 22:58:41.81ID:UQO0I1qr0

Anti-Netanyahu is really correct word,this journalist may think himself become God?
Arrest warrant didn’t send to All jewish people, did it? asshole.

70 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:33:08.22ID:6KZlvFq40



7 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 22:59:23.78ID:JnS7OYZb0

In fact,there is a country that anti-judaism is crime,
so this word may become emblem that has great power.

8 anonymous donburako


ICC published arrest warrant,so he is same rank with Putin.

17 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:05:05.68ID:6UHjILwf0


Well it’s naturally.
But Trump will smash up ICC.

39 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:16:11.55ID:C25jXJO50


You watch animation too much.
America no join ICC and don’t have authority like that.

116 anonymous donburako

2024/11/22(Friday) 00:54:37.65ID:KRcCQImP0


America is unrelenting to Israel’s enemy.

Us House of REpresentatives passed sanctions bill to CSS authorized people.

Us House of REpresentatives passed sanctions bill to CSS authorized people in 4.This measures against ICC request arrest warrant to Israel government head.

ICC turned against the U.S. by publishing arrest warrant to Neranyahu.

118 anonymous donburako

2024/11/22(Friday) 00:57:04.16ID:/JVUf7/a0


The U.S. that is the Israel’s lap dog,is over.
Defending Israel that everyone recognised as war crime terrorism country is no way.

9 Guard man[Lv.1]

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:00:30.28ID:SWTzJXes0

Send it to Biden too.

10 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:01:00.38ID:FMb99YjW0

In the first place, if Jewish didn’t begin to say “god save only us”,
all had finished without born Judaism,Christianity,Islam.
Whole world is naturally anti-judaism.

86 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:49:46.10ID:1JpXJqNz0


Because they have mind that chosen people ideology,and exist bastard who agree with zionism and greater Israel policy,so they don’t get on with humanity.

11 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:01:10.75ID:LtG45V2/0

In short,Netanyahu was recognised as “enemy of humanity”.

12 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:01:53.05ID:HSwq1nnK0

Anti-judaism will increase because they say it against all side.

358 anonymous donburako

2024/11/23(Saturday) 05:53:40.23ID:3V4bJTSw0


Yep,by watching recently Israel movement, begin to occur “Was Hitler correct?” theory.

13 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:02:00.52ID:U0U1qXhE0

Finally issued arrest warrant.
Invader country Israel go out from Golan height in Sylia and West coast Jordan’s river in Palestine area east Jerusalem!!

16 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:02:54.16ID:LtG45V2/0

There are Jewish same a many number of Israel population,in the U.S.
So they feel relieved perfectly,unorthodoxy bastards.

19 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:05:56.39ID:E+dlNxBr0

That is same pattern that someone begin to say “that is hate speech to Black!” when criticized black men that committed a crime.

21 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:08:02.76ID:57UjoQyC0

Who Anti-judaism spreading is Jewish.

22 anonymous donburako


Don’t involve even Jewish people who have negative thought to Neranyahu goverment.
What’s anti-Judaism? idiot,Stop genoside!

32 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:12:38.61ID:cDA3eM0v0

No human,if not Jewish.
All people other than Jewish will take enemy side if like that.

37 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:15:51.70ID:9bNabCKc0


In the first place, Jewish people utilize us in regular time, though they suppose to recognise other than them as “goyim” that is life less than human only shape human body, and existence that don’t have to heatache if kill in emergency.

90 anonymous donburako korokoro

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:54:29.24ID:mP6i/GCX0


And,they live on config like that,although have even okaltism celemony is possible to vanish guilty by swinging chicken’s head on heartache person,performed when just in case they felt guilty.

71 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:33:18.91ID:LE+K/Vtn0

Moneylenders pushed work to Jewish because this work is not good for religious doctrine.
For hiding hitoly of Jewish distinguish,let Jewish do how them please and no forgiven criticizing to them.
Jewish country Israel was driven as a wedge because bother Middle East that focused fossil fuel resource become all Isram world.

Real shit is cristian’s society.

75 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:37:02.52ID:3Pa/vgLR0


By did these,they got right to issue currency,and became possible to conquer the world.

Real traitor was Petero not Juda.

81 nonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:42:04.49ID:+kdEoW1R0


But apparently their top had already been united in long accomplice relationship time,by I read on anywhere at past.

72 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 2024/11/21(木) 23:33:23.15ID:BegW4zGi0

Gradually appear Hitler had foresight.
He should have sent to Auschwitz camp and no let them survive even one.

80 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:41:51.82ID:9y+D0Rrd0


Hitler is no correct,he didn’t kill rich Jewish at all,and victims were only Jewish who were middle or poor.

84 anonymous donburako

2024/11/21(Thursday) 23:47:37.44ID:d5GbvATA0

Armageddon, Jihad
Yeah,these listed on monotheism’s script didn’t it?
Monotheism that admires devil,is cancer of the world,
Please know their god by reading old testament.
That is dicrator devil itself,isn’t it?
