1 For early morning to closing timeφ
2024/11/30(Saturday) 06:18:36.91ID:+opMOrRY
30/11/2024 4:01
【London=Tomohiro Ebuchi】
On 29th,British House of Common,recognise euthanasia to pacant who get terminal care.
For establishment, need deriberation from Common`s committee and Lords,although that is never before vote that passed first big barrier.
According to public opinion poll,more than 70% England pepople support it.

2 Seven seas anonymous
2024/11/30(Saturday) 09:07:43.02ID:Q/u6VKNd
This thread board is posted by “Neoliberal and people who was brainwashed by them” who misunderstood this report and think it as gospel.
3 Seven seas anonymous
2024/11/30(Saturday) 09:14:24.90ID:bNW4fkSE
This bill is supposed,argued and passed because be thought it is necessary.
Gospel is arbitrery noun,
Admitted necessity and validity,only be excused it.
4 Seven seas anonymous
2024/11/30(Saturday) 09:45:22.26ID:QP+B8v2U
What meaning live with being forecd to load failly members and sociaty?
5 Seven seas anonymous
2024/11/30(Saturday) 12:08:52.40ID:YTZ/D0gO
Even though criminal is living warm in prison.
7 Seven seas anonymous
2024/11/30(Saturday) 18:08:52.19ID:yC8p1PXj
At this late hour,what difference are euthanasia,death with dignity,assisted suicide.
Yeah,I know no cetainly definition in these.
I thought England`s death with dignity rather than euthanasia,
Switherland is doctor assisted suicide,and Canada is euthanasia,these are my image.
9 Seven seas anonymous
2024/11/30(Saturday) 20:45:14.97ID:bNW4fkSE
Death with dignity is like that remove equipment for life-sutaining way and as it is Dying.
Euthanasia is that prescribe medicine or others for dying to patient who is no hope of recovery,and on the case that no eatablish the law,these are applicable assisted suicide or consent murder.
8 Seven seas anonymous
2024/11/30(Saturday) 20:42:49.33ID:jD8qJe4F
It is pretty good that I can decide my final curtain.
10 Seven seas anonymous
2024/11/30(Saturday) 20:58:02.90ID:wfZp3YCQ
Country where is suicide old people, will fall at once.
18 Seven seas anonymous
2024/12/01(Sunday) 07:57:32.96ID:nJ8sQf1V
It depends on reason, should recognize as human right.
11 Seven seas anonymous
2024/11/30(Saturday) 23:12:11.37ID:8/C3caNR
When think along common sense, medicine that is possible to die comparative easily,regulate one after another and push to hanging or diving is more cruel.
12 Seven seas anonymous
2024/11/30(Saturday) 23:19:43.70ID:HZ7gO/IM
Please let me kill myself before lose myself and trouble around me.
13 Seven seas anonymous
2024/12/01(Sunday) 04:16:12.44ID:9Oo8xF4F
???<Become unable to exploit medical expenses.
???<Trouble decreasing taxpayer
???<Slave should keep to stay as slave.
14 Seven seas anonymous
2024/12/01(Sunday) 05:36:48.36ID:+0Cy5vpJ
In abroad,there is country that recognize euthanasia,factly,apply only heavy disease patient who is no hope recovery.
That is better more than nothing,and if increase bastards who press hard “if don’t recognize euthanasia we may have cause rape incident ,because that is no recovery disease too!” like that,become fuckin greedy doctors have no choice but to think again.”Because their wife or daughter may be aimed as target.”
Finally time to crack down on doctors who don`t agree,has come,wipe the floor with them after another!
Common post at pure love thread board
“No happy to be loved by man who i am not interested”
“Trouble for me to be fell love by no good looking guy”
If these are real,better yet let me do euthanasia.
Anyway other sex be no liked,so let’s talk euthanasia method.
20 Seven seas anonymous
2024/12/01(Sunday) 17:45:54.32ID:MxcmhfPg
In Canada,applying euthanasia is easy to pass than public assistance.
So be executed euthanasia per more than 10 thousand people.
And, the other day applied it for psychiatric disorder and dementia too
Even though don’t know how to check intension of them.
16 Seven seas anonymous
2024/12/01(Sunday) 07:07:16.45ID:Xvep0+dg
For decreasing medical expenses that is increasing.
Finally,they will try to be abolish medical hospice?
17 Seven seas anonymous
2024/12/01(Sunday) 07:55:57.88ID:nJ8sQf1V
Try to Japan too!
But for decreasing medical expenses or nursing care expenses, is not!
Only as human right of patient themselves.
19 Seven seas anonymous
2024/12/01(Sunday) 17:03:52.56ID:bNy5wBg8
Good country, Japan should emulate them too.
Thread Source:https://egg.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/news5plus/1732915116/-100