[Image] The 5.27 $ lunch box sold in the United States looks delicious

1: 2022/10/23(Sun) 16:09:28.867 ID:2tLFKUe50

2: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:10:00.890 ID: 2tLFKUe50
The local price at that time was 780 yen.
I don’t know how much it costs now

3: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:10:21.641 ID: LaFbTNvc0
honestly looks delicious

But if cola put in there, at least hope wrap cola by like kitchen paper

4: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:10:31.455 ID: eqro+hsCa
I honestly want to eat
Ohta’s stomach is a must

5: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:10:31.714 ID: Qr9RU32pr
At present, it is about 16.89$ when converted to Japanese yen.

7: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:10:52.922 ID: WdwFsTbh0
No sugar Coca-Cola is a healthy lunch

8: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:11:48.978 ID: B3JEw1TwM
I can’t drink lukewarm cola

9: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:12:19.747 ID: 5VAL6Eid0
Is it sold at stadiums or something?
It is unacceptable to have drinks mixed with food

11: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:12:40.189 ID: 0IK/eRE40
This is what it’s all about, uncle
“It’s fine because it’s like this.”

12: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:12:51.861 ID: 7wxBqH570
I don’t like sticky drinks…

13: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:13:06.166 ID: 8Zrowjs90
I don’t know the real price because the price changes every time I see it

14: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:13:20.639 ID: B9Koe0wb0
When I went to New York in the summer, the Big Mac set was a little over $10 (around 1,500 to 1,600 yen).

15: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:13:26.615 ID: ohY5QsUZ0
Calculating with 100 yen at the time and 150 yen now
Is it 1170 yen (7.9$) now?
Is it reasonable

16: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:13:27.648 ID: wdiP1dbN0
Chilling cola is a custom only in Japan.

17: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:13:47.790 ID: CXiZaGBh0
Don’t you have chopsticks?

18: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:14:04.815 ID: B9Koe0wb0
Of course, the price is only for one Big Mac.

20: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:14:24.774 ID: 9w+dK+zb0
is this so cheap?

21: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:14:53.250 ID: 6DWIhkju0
Is it about 3,000 yen now?

22: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:16:30.972 ID:TO7vBo8WM
absolutely delicious

32: 2022/10/23 (Sun) 16:37:00.092 ID: 7LayRNnKr
fat delight

Thread souece:https://mi.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4vip/1666508968/
